Thursday, February 24, 2011

Granny's Rendition of Aromatic Compounds

   Aromaticity is a chemical property that compounds are listed as if they qualify for the four criteria that are listed such as it must be cyclic, planar, completely conjugated and have 4n + 2 pi electrons.All aromatic compounds are based off of the basic benzene ring which is a ring with six sides and six carbons and six hydrogens.  The first criterion is that the molecule must be cyclic which means that it must be shaped like a ring or in a circle to be an aromatic compound.  The second criterion is that the molecule must be planar which means that the compound needs to be flat like a piece of paper to be aromatic.  For example, if the structure of the compound is shaped as a tub with some parts higher than others then it is not planar. 
   The third criterion is that a molecule must be completely conjugated which means that these compounds must have a p orbital on every atom.  For example, if you have a 6-sided ring, you will need three double bonds with the double and single bond followed by another double bond and so on.  The last criterion is that a molecule must satisfy Huckel’s rule and contain a particular number of pi electrons.  The particular number of pi electrons must meet the 4n + 2 pi electron rule.  For instance, if you use something like pencils you can have 2, 6, 10, etc. because n equals 0, 1 and 2.  Hope this helps clear up how to distinguish aromatic compounds from nonaromatic ones.

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