Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mass Spectrometry

   Hey guys, This is John Harbold and I will be discussing and analyzing one major part of Organic Chemistry 2.  This discussion will be about an area of Organic Chemistry that I have had difficulty with and how I've overcome the obstacles and become very knowledgeable in that area.  The area of Organic Chemistry that I have had multiple problems with has been identifying and understanding the plot of the mass spectrum and determining which compound is being plotted.
    An example of a compound that was difficult to correlate with the mass spectrum of the graph is 2-chloropropane.  To determine which graph correlates with the 2-chloropropane I first realized that I needed to calculate the molecular weight for each of the common isotopes for chlorine which are 35Cl and 37Cl.  When plotting a compound with chlorine in it there will be two peaks due to the two common isotopes.  Chlorine has a height ratio from the first peak(M peak) to the second peak(M+2 peak) of 3:1.  The mass of the molecular ion of 2-chloropropane with the 35Cl isotope is 78 which is the M peak while the mass of the molecular ion of 2-chloropropane with the 37Cl isotope is 80 which is the M+2 peak.  When plotting each of these in the graph the M peak will be at 78 while M+2 peak is at 80 and the M+2 peak is 1/3 the relative abundance of the M peak. 
    Reading throughout ch. 13 of the 2nd edition Smith Organic Chemistry book was very helpful in overcoming this problem and better understanding this concept.  Remember ALWAYS READ YOUR BOOK!


  1. I agree with having difficulty understanding mass spec. I, too have trouble correlating the grapth with the compounds. I would suggest, that if you continue to have trouble, you could consult another textbook or research various credable websites. Good luck!

  2. Great job man, it sounds like you understand the material more than you did going into it. I had the exact same difficulty with understanding mass spec. however I did find it more beneficial to read the book. Also, try to work some of the chapter problems in the back they have helped me out to understand things a little more. Sounds like your off to a great start though. Good Luck.

  3. Both of the concepts you had problems with I had problems with... Go figure! I like the example you gave and how you went through the different steps. This helped me understand a little better. I agree reading the chapters clear up alot of things we are having problems with...
    Good Luck!!
